Fire & Bone

Fire & Bone


I’ve been reading Wise Power by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer. The subtitle to the book reads; Discover the liberating power of menopause to awaken authority, purpose and belonging.

 Every week I see women in my practice somewhere along this path. I recognise their trials and their joys, because it’s my job to listen and support with remedies and practices but also because I’m making this same journey myself.

 As this is a journey that usually unwinds over several years, I see clients at many different stages of this process; from gradual perimenopause fluctuations, irregular cycles, mood swings, confidence dips to no cycles, challenging sweats, flushes and many other symptoms.

 The physical symptoms are one element, the mental, emotional  and spiritual transformation is another. I find it flows best when all aspects are acknowledged and supported equally.

 There’s no joy in hearing about spiritual transformation, potential empowerment and growth when the body is wracked with physical or emotional discomfort. However, I have also found that awareness and acceptance of the depth of the process can contribute to more physical ease, along with the remedies and nutritional changes that may be indicated.

 When we can embrace the process on every level, it brings awareness and peace. It allows the fire of the spirit to soar and transform while also supporting the bones, the body we inhabit, going about our daily lives. I believe I’m a spiritual being having a human experience. I also know that I must take good care of my body as it’s the only place I have to live.

 Many women I see in my practice are aware their symptoms relate to hormonal changes of peri-menopause. However, often may not have stopped to think about how this resonates in their spirit. They may not have taken time to pause and reflect, to ask themselves, who am I at this time? They may feel they are taking stock, unravelling, losing confidence or can no longer identify with their past choices. It can be very disconcerting. It can be a time of feeling unmoored and cast out of a wild sea of emotion.

It's helpful to know that this unravelling is a natural process, a cycle of death and rebirth spanning a number of years with different stages. And that engaging with it on every level will bring understanding and relief on every level.

 I have many remedies, tinctures, exercises and practices I recommend for navigating this process. I also recommend balancing fire and bone – feeding the spirit, listening to the wise inner voice while nourishing the body.

 I’m offering a morning retreat on March 26th 10am-1pm to explore this as a small group from my space in the Dublin mountains.

All welcome, booking is on my events page.


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